What are Norway Rats?

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The Norway rat, or Rattus norvegicus, is one of over 60 species in the mammalian genus Rattus.

According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the species is common on every continent except Antarctica.

Because of its widespread presence, it is known by many names including the brown rat, common rat, sewer rat, Hanover rat, Norwegian rat, water rat, and wharf rat.

Norway rats are brown with scattered black hairs and have a gray to yellowish-white underside. Their bodies are 7-8 inches long and the tail length is 6-8 inches.

Where Do Norway Rats Nest?

In your yard, as in nature, Norway rats, can be found living:

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  • in underground burrows near water
  • under wood piles
  • around gardens
  • behind walls
  • in basements and crawl spaces

What Attracts Norway Rats?

These rodents are often found in gardens, as well as uncut grass lawns, weeds and thick shrubs. They also like fresh composting piles.

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Are Norway Rats Dangerous?

Yes, Norway Rats are dangerous! The CDC has identified 35 rodent-borne diseases that Norway rats can carry into your home. You can even come into contact with these diseases without ever seeing a rat. Serious diseases like Hantavirus or even Black Plague can be avoided through effective rodent control. If you think you have a rat problem, it's time to take action! Call us to schedule your free inspection.

How Norway Rats Damage Your House

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Norway rats are destructive creatures that can seriously damage homes and belongings. Their powerful front teeth never stop growing, so they never stop chewing to keep tooth length under control.

They'll shamelessly gnaw on studs, roof trusses, drywall, electrical wiring, and just about anything else they can reach. They can cause roof leaks, house fires, and structural damage.

Those little squeaks and squeals are the sounds of thousands of dollars flying out of your home!

Safety Tips for Handling Rodents

  • Always wear protective gear such as masks, gloves, and boots when handling rodents or their urine or droppings.
    * Masks protect against dust but do not protect against viruses.
  • Have damaged and contaminated insulation professionally removed and replaced.
  • Do not vacuum or sweep around contaminated areas as it can stir up dust that may contain contaminants.
  • Spray and wet down dead rodents, nests, droppings, urine, and other contaminated materials with a 10% bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) or other disinfectant product and let this soak for 10 minutes or as instructed on the label.
  • Double bag contaminated materials for disposal.
  • Wash hands with soap and water after handling any infested materials.

Why Norway Rats Are Hard to Get Rid Of?

There is no DIY method that will remove every Norway rat in your house. One reason is that they breed too fast before common DIY rat control techniques can take effect.

A female Norway rat starts producing babies when she's just two months old and can throw one litter every month. Each litter results in 4-22 baby rats, all of whom will be breeding themselves in just a few short months.

Professional rat removal services are effective because they track down and destroy the entire swarm while interrupting breeding cycles.

Besides, DIY rat removal puts you and your family at risk by increasing the likelihood that you'll come into direct contact with rats or their droppings. Stay safe. Let us suit up and tackle the hard work of chasing these persistent pests out of your home.

How Does Croach® Get Rid of Norway Rats?

How do we get rid of Norway rats? We use the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach recommended by the CDC. 

  1. We verify that we're dealing with Norway rats and not another rat species.
  2. We use our knowledge of Norway rat behavior to track down and eliminate nests.
  3. We use biological control agents to shut down breeding cycles.
  4. We use physical exclusion methods to trap rats outside your home and keep them there.
  5. We use habitat manipulation to make your home less attractive to rats.
  6. We use chemical control to destroy adult rats.
  7. We use regular, ongoing treatment to make sure rats never return.

However, we can't chase Norway Rats out of an entire city, so there's always a risk they'll return. IPM helps us manage and mitigate those risks, ensuring they don't return to your house. Our methods are so effective that it's not surprising that Croach® is a top-ten-ranked pest control company with verified reviews.

If you have questions about pest control, call us at (855) 488-7378 or contact us for a FREE INSPECTION.

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