Get Pest Free
in Westminster, CO

Wildlife is great when you're watching it through the Westminster bird cam. It's not so much fun when it's in your home. Call Croach® for effective, eco-friendly pest control, and live pest-free in your home.
✓ Get a free whole-house pest inspection in Westminster – inside and out.

Green, Eco-Friendly Pest Control in Westminster, CO

Looking for an eco-friendly pest control solution? Look no further than Croach®!

The State of Colorado promotes the adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices for pest control, a stance fully supported by Croach®. Our pest control services in Westminster embrace this approach as it offers enhanced safety and efficacy. Our green pesticides won't contaminate the environment, and our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions protect the environment by reducing the need for chemicals.

By working with us, you'll protect Westminster's natural environment while keeping your family members safe from toxic practices. What could be better?

Pest Control Service Satisfaction Guarantee - Croach

Retreats Guarantee

We guarantee a retreat of pest issues that arise between regularly scheduled services. Ask for more details when you sign up.

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Thousands of Customer Reviews

Trust Croach® pest control reviews of friends and neighbors near Winchester and browse customer surveys of their pest management technicians.

Loving Bugs in Westminster

Westminster celebrates invertebrates at the Butterfly Pavilion, where thousands are on display behind glass windows. But we don't want them in our homes! We appreciate the nature around us and want to conserve it, and at the same time, we demand the right to live in clean, hygienic homes. How do Westminsterites find harmony between the two seemingly contradictory ethics?

They trust in Croach® pest control to apply Integrated Pest Management strategies that keep our homes safe and healthy while minimizing risk to the environment.

What are Invertebrates?

An invertebrate is an animal that lacks a backbone, and is represented by 95% of all animal species on Earth, such as insects, spiders, worms, mollusks, and many more.

Invertebrates perform critical roles in Colorado ecosystems as pollinators, decomposers, and prey for other animals.

They range from tiny microscopic organisms to impressive marine animals like the giant squid.

What is Integrated Pest Management?

The IPM philosophy focuses on proactive measures to prevent pest issues initially, minimizing the need for chemical interventions. It prioritizes the safety of both people and the environment. IPM represents a holistic, long-term strategy for pest management, transcending mere chemical extermination.

Collaborating closely with you, Croach® technicians employ these IPM strategies to effectively control and mitigate pest populations.

  1. Cultural controls:
    Pests are naturally drawn to human habitats because we unintentionally provide them with the basic necessities for survival, such as food, water, and shelter. To mitigate this, homeowners can adopt good IPM practices by eliminating standing water, and cleaning up spills and crumbs promptly. This helps reduce the chances of pests establishing, reproducing, and surviving.
  2. Mechanical controls:
    Traps are a common type of mechanical control that can effectively remove pests without using chemicals.
  3. Physical controls:
    Exclusion is a physical control method that prevents pests from entering your property or home. Your Croach® technician will locate and block any access points such as holes and cracks, thereby preventing pests from gaining entry into your space.
  4. Chemical controls:
    If an infestation does occur, your Croach® exterminator may need to use chemical controls to target and eliminate the pests. However, we use only carefully selected chemical products and apply them discreetly to ensure the safety of your family and pets.
IPM-Cultural Control-Wiping Up a Spill-Croach
IPM-Mechanical Control-Humane Mouse Trap-Croach Pest Exterminators
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Croach Technician - IPM Chemical Spraying - Pest Management Near Greenville SC

Our Pest-free Satisfaction Guarantee for Westminster

If pests reappear between your scheduled treatments, you get a free retreat. It's that simple. We're committed to ensuring your comfort and satisfaction.

Croach Pest Control Reviews - Stars 150

Reasonable Rate!

Miles approached us offering their services as we are new to the area. He was kind enough to walk us though the pest issues we should be aware of. As we walked around the property we found several wasp and venomous spider nests. Having two small kids I wanted to deal with them and keep them from being an issue. Their rate is reasonable, especially considering the non-toxic sprays they use. Julian, the tech, did a great job and reviewed his work before taking off. Would very much recommend their services.
Read more from Thomas C.

Croach Pest Control Reviews - Stars 150

Nice Work!

Thank you, Lloyd, for carefully spraying around the pets. Nice work!

Croach Pest Control Reviews - Stars 150

Answered Questions!

Matthew was did a great job and even put up with my little kids asking him questions about every step he was doing.
Read more reviews from Westminster

Croach Pest Control-Tech cleaning spider webs-Westminster-300x300
Croach Pest Control-Tech standing next to his truck-Westminster-300x300
Croach-Pest-Control-Tech-shows-bugs-to-kids in Westminster, CO

Pest Control Services by Croach® Exterminators Near Westminster

Get rid of bed bugs, ants, carpet beetles, cockroaches, mice and rats, silverfish, spiders, wasps and other stinging, biting, crawling, and flying pests. We serve Westminster residents in single-family homes, apartments, HOAs, and light commercial buildings.

Live Your Best Life in Westminster - Pest Free!

Family-friendly Westminster is one of Colorado's most desirable places to live for its beautiful views of the mountains, affordable housing, excellent schools, and plethora of outdoor activities for kids and adults. Westminster is growing fast as more people flock to this metro Denver town that offers just the right balance of urban convenience and a quiet suburban lifestyle.

At Croach®, our Integrated Pest Management techniques encompass a blend of preventive measures and strategic pesticide application. This method emphasizes utilizing the least intrusive tactics to tackle pests, prioritizing the safety of both humans and the environment.

Through meticulous identification of pest species, comprehension of their behaviors and seasonal trends, and implementation of tailored IPM strategies, Croach® adeptly controls pest populations in Westminster and neighboring areas.

Call Croach® today. Your free inspection is waiting!

Free Pest Inspection

We serve all 93 neighborhoods in Westminster including Cheyenne Ridge, Shaw Heights, Crown Point, Sheridan Green, Legacy Ridge, Hidden Lake, Westcliff, Pebble Brook, Apple Blossom, Torrey Peaks, Weatherstone, and Countryside.