Reliable Spider Control of Spokane

A few spiders in your Spokane area home are a good thing. They eat insects you don’t want hanging around like ants, cockroaches, beetles, centipedes, and houseflies.

But there are four types of spiders the Spokane - Coeur d’Alene region struggles with because of their venomous or painful bite. You'll want spider control to avoid the Yellow Sac, Hobo spider, Black Widow, and Brown Recluse.

First, let’s talk about what you can do to get rid of spiders by making your home less attractive to them. They seek food, shelter, and privacy. So, the quick answer to spider control is making what they need for survival a scarcity.

How to Get Rid of Spokane Spiders

It’s nearly impossible to rid your home of spiders completely. But these deterrents go a long way.

House Exterior

  • Cut back trees, shrubs, and plants away from your foundation, siding, and roofline.
  • Seal exterior access points such as cracks or gaps along doors and windows.
  • Use exterior lighting only when needed. Light attracts the kinds of bugs that hungry spiders crave.
  • Keep clutter, storage items, firewood, and other yard stuff away from the house.

House Interior

  • Dust, sweep, vacuum, and mop often. In particular, clean under furniture, behind appliances, along baseboards, in the corners of the walls from floor to ceiling, and any dark, rarely disturbed place spiders and other pests hide.
  • Pay attention to how and where you store things you don’t access or move often. Use airtight containers or plastic bags. Reorganize items under the bed, inside closets, or in the basement to make them spider proof.
  • A temporary preventative is the smell of citrus, peppermint, tea tree, or eucalyptus. You can introduce these scents to bedrooms, closets, and around windows and doors.
  • Nothing welcomes spiders indoors like other insects. If you’ve got spiders, your home is hosting plenty of other bugs, too. Ongoing professional pest control is your most effective long-term solution.

Common Spiders in Spokane

The types of spiders most prevalent in The Lilac City include:

1) Black Widow Spider

The female Black Widow has a nasty reputation, and for good reason. Black with a red hourglass shape on its belly, she guards her eggs fiercely and has a venomous bite. Twice the size of a male, she’ll often eat the male after mating, thus the name ‘widow’. The next time you’re out hiking one of our gorgeous Spokane hiking trails, watch out for the Black Widow. She’ll build a strong web under stones, near rodent holes in the ground, and in the brush. Black Widows also make homes behind your furniture, in dark corners, and basements indoors. Outside, you’ll find them in garages, sheds, under eaves, along fence lines, under planters, and in the water meter box. If you get bit by a Black Widow, wash the area with soap and water, elevate it, and seek medical attention.

2) Yellow Sac Spider

The yellowish, almost transparent body of a Yellow Sac spider reflects the latest insect it has consumed, thus giving Yellow Sacs slight variations in color. Aggressive toward humans, they have no qualms about biting you, sometimes repeatedly. Though a Yellow Sac’s bite is not toxic, it can cause pain, burning, and swelling. Be vigilant in caring for the wound and seek medical attention as needed, so it doesn’t turn into a skin infection. Yellow Sac’s do not form webs, instead, hiding in silken sacs. You’ll find them in high ceiling corners, behind wall hangings, along walls and window sills, or in piles of clothing or clutter.

3) Hobo Spider

Also known as the Aggressive House spider, the Hobo spider is actually reluctant to interact with humans. Its bite is not harmful to humans, but it can be painful and fester into more severe symptoms requiring medical attention. Hobo spiders are large and run fast in a darting motion. However, they are not good climbers, so if you see a spider running across your ceiling or high on a wall, it probably is not a Hobo. Two identifying features include eight tan legs and eight eyes (arranged in two rows) of equal size. If you see a spider with alternating light and dark legs or both large and small-sized eyes, it is not a Hobo spider.

4) Brown Recluse Spider

You can identify a Brown Recluse by the violin shape on top of its head and its eyes. Most spiders have eight eyes, while this species only has six, arranged in pairs - one pair in front and a pair on either side. You’ll find the Brown Recluse hiding in dry areas like piles of clothing (clean or dirty), beds, inside furniture, closets, and cardboard boxes. Though not aggressive toward humans, it may bite when it’s scared. Its venom is toxic, causing necrosis in human tissue. If the wound is not properly cared for, infection sets in, which may spread to other areas of the body. We strongly recommend medical attention after a bite. Brown Recluse are rapid breeders, which means an infestation in your home is fast and furious. A female produces several egg sacs over the summer months with about 50 eggs in each one. They eat ants, crickets, cockroaches, and other soft-bodied insects.

Professional Spider Control and Prevention

Croach applies a thorough and specialized approach to pest control.

  • Inspection: Your experienced technician inspects your home and creates a plan crafted for your needs.
  • Initial Treatment: Treatment includes a heavy application of product and prevention techniques on the base of the home, around entry points, and in the eaves to eliminate spider webs and egg sacs. Inside, we apply the product as necessary, and then we place glue boards to catch stragglers.
  • First Regular and Ongoing Treatment: Approximately thirty days after initial treatment, you will have seen a reduction in spiders–and the pests they eat–of about 75%. Spiders caught on the boards help technicians further customize your plan to your particular pests. Ongoing treatments are shorter than the initial treatment and eliminate the rest of the problem.
  • Complimentary Retreats: Should your infestation return, Croach® will come back between regular treatments to resolve the issue and advise on additional steps.

For more information on how we can help you with Spokane spider control and extermination, contact us today. We also get rid of other Spokane pests like bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, rats and mice, and wasps.

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Coeur d'Alene Service Areas

Athol, Chilco, Clarksville, Coeur d’Alene, Corbin Junction, Dalton Gardens, Deer Park, English Point, Fernan Lake Village, Garwood, Hauser, Haycrop, Hayden, Hayden Lake, Huetter, Liberty Lake, Newman Lake, Post Falls, Ramsey, Rathdrum, Spirit Lake, Spokane, and Spokane Valley.


Licensed, Bonded, Insured
ID Pest Control License #63036
WA Pest Control License #99029